
Instrument name: Raman Microscopy

Instrument manufacturer: WITec

Instrument model: alpha300R

Main technical indicators:

  • Wavenumber range: 100 cm-1 - 5000 cm-1

  • Resolution: better than 1.0 cm-1

  • Scan range: The range of X-Y scan is 50*50 mm, step size of 100 nm. The range of the Z scan is 30 mm and the step size is 10 nm.

  • Lasers: 532 nm (blue light) and 488 nm (green light) diode lasers. Power: 75 mW @output terminal, and 50 mW @ sample. Software controlled setting of absolute power value with 0.1 mW resolution.

  • Test modes: Single Spectrum, Line Scan, Large Area Scan, True Surface imaging, time-dependent scan.

  • Testable samples: Solid, powder, film, liquid, solution, suspension, gas, etc.