I. Introduction        

The State Key Laboratory of Lunar and Planetary Sciences (Macau University of Science and Technology) (hereinafter referred to as Laboratory) pursues academic research with a focus on scientific results derived from China’s Lunar and Deep Space Exploration Program. In view of the large amount of data that are or will soon be made available through this national effort, the Laboratory has been quickly building up its strength in performing data analysis and interpretation, as well as in studying fundamental mechanisms of related processes. The Laboratory is striving to achieve prominent international standing in lunar and planetary research.

The overall goal of SKLPlanets is to establish itself as a globally influential planetary science research centre at the forefront of deep space exploration science, serving as a bridge and window for exchanges between China and the rest of the world. SKLPlanets strives to build an international high-level academic exchange and cooperation centre for planetary science, participate in major national deep space exploration projects, provide necessary scientific support, nurture top-tier talents in planetary sciences, build a globally competitive research team, and contribute to Macau's technological advancement through a diversified development.  Currently, SKLPlanets is gradually focusing on three research directions:

  • Planetary Environment and Habitability;

  • Planetary Formation and Evolution;

  • Space/Surface Exploration.

To multiply the effort in these three research directions, the Laboratory is calling for wider participation of the research community by introducing the Open Project Program. The Laboratory’s Open Project Program is a new funding opportunity open to researchers in the lunar and planetary science or closely related area. It serves to encourage new ideas in basic and application research in the field, to cultivate young talents, to promote interdisciplinary study, and to facilitate inter-institutional collaborations.

II. Scope and Guidelines

  1. Applicants can choose their own research topics, generally in accordance with the three  main research directions of the Laboratory, but applications in closely related cross-disciplinary areas are also encouraged. 

  2. Both domestic and international researchers who work on lunar and planetary sciences can apply for Open Project funding.   

  3. Faculty members of the Laboratory should not apply for Open Project. However, at least one faculty member of the Laboratory should be included in the team of an Open Project application, as a Collaborator (hereinafter referred to as Collaborator).

  4. Generally, the duration of funding for approved projects is 2 years (starting from January 1st of the year following its approval). Extension of one year could be applied for projects that cannot be completed on time. Each approved project will receive funding between $100,000 to $200,000 MOP. Outstanding PI will be given priority consideration for funding in the next year’s open project applications.

  5. For SCI journal papers published with funding from open research topics. The Laboratory should be listed in the first or second affiliation of the first author or corresponding author. The acknowledgement should contain the following information: “This work was supported by the open project fund of State Key Laboratory of Lunar and Planetary Sciences (Macau University of Science and Technology) (Macau FDCT grant No. 0002/2024/SKL)”.

  6. The completion of the open projects and the use of funding should be supervised by a faculty member of the Laboratory serving as your Collaborator.


III. Application Process

  1. Click here to download The “Application Form for Open Project”.

  2. The application deadline is October 31 every year. The deadline subject to change according to the announcement.

  3. Please fill in the “Application Form for Open Project” in accordance with the Guidelines for Open Project Application. Mail three signed hard copies to the Laboratory office and e-mail a softcopy to the Laboratory (ssipub@must.edu.mo) at the same time. 

  4. An applicant with a Senior Title (associate professor, associate researcher or above) can apply directly; otherwise the applicant needs to be recommended by an expert in the field with a senior title. The application form should be approved and signed by the organization of the applicant.

  5. Submitted applications will be peer-reviewed as per scientific merit, track records of applicants, and likelihood of successful completion. Based on the evaluation results, the supported funding projects and amounts will be determined by the Laboratory Management Committee and the Laboratory Director.”

  6. The results of application will be announced by e-mail before November 30th every year. Please note that the application forms and materials will not be returned.


IV. Administration of Research Expenditure

  1. The proposed budget should include an outline of grant usage in accordance with the project objectives and should be compatible with the regulations issued by the Macau University of Science and Technology and those by the Science and Technology Development Fund of Macau.

  2. Once approved, the applicant should return the acceptance form within 2 weeks and sign the “Open Project Funding Contract”. Under the terms of the contract, the Laboratory will sent the approved amount of funding directly to the organization the applicants, and the funded organizations must issue a receipt once they have  received the money and sent the receipt back to the Laboratory.

  3. The Laboratory Collaborator should oversee the usage of the project fund and manage the accounting as per the regulations issued by the Macau University of Science and Technology and those by the Science and Technology Development Fund of Macau. The budget usage should be compatible with the proposed budget outline.

  4. On the completion of a project, the remaining balance of the funding for the project should be returned to the Laboratory and re-deposited in the Laboratory’s Open Project Program.


V. Management and Evaluation of Research Outcomes

  1. Authorship of any outcome of a supported project follows the standard scientific practice based on significance of contribution. The Collaborator should actively contribute to the research and participate as an author. The Laboratory should be listed as the first or second affiliation of the first author or corresponding author as following:

    • 中文:月球與行星科學國家重點實驗室(澳門科技大學)

    • English:State Key Laboratory of Lunar and Planetary Sciences (Macau University of Science and Technology)

    • The acknowledgement should contain the following information: “This work was supported by the Open Project Program of State Key Laboratory of Lunar and Planetary Sciences (Macau University of Science and Technology) (Macau FDCT grant No. 0002/2024/SKL)”.  

  2. The following materials should be submitted on schedule:

    • Submit the “Annual Report of Open Project” (click to download) before or on 31st December of the first year and the “Final Report of Open Project” or “Project Extension Application Report” before or on 31st December of the second year.

    • Submit hardcopies and softcopies of research outcomes (papers, monographs and/or patents with Laboratory affiliation) supported by the Open Project.

    • The Principal Investigator could be requested to give a presentation of the research achievements at the Academic Advisors Committee Meeting of the Laboratory.

  3. All the outcomes of the Open Projects will be evaluated. The Principle Investigator with an outstanding performance in the Open Project implementation can be given priority in the following new application.

  4. The Laboratory reserves the right to check the progress of an Open Project, and to exercise adjustment, suspension or cancellation of the grant if the progress is found unsatisfactory.