聯係電話 88972024
辦公室 A512
電子信箱 mhzhu@must.edu.mo

Ph.D.: Planetary Science – Macau University of Science and Technology(2010)

B.S.: Computer Science – National University of Defense Technology(2003)


• Ding, M. and M. –H. Zhu (2022), Effects of Regional Thermal State on the Crustal Annulus Relaxation of Lunar Large Impact Basins, JGR-Planets, e2021JE007132. 

 • Zhang N., M. Ding, M. –H. Zhu, H. C. Li, et al. (2022), Lunar compositional asymmetry explained by mantle overturn following the South Pole-Aitken impact, Nature Geosci., 15, 37-41. (Highlighted by Nature) 

• Yang Y. Z., S. Li, M. –H. Zhu, Y. Liu, et al. (2022), Impact remnants rich in carbonaceous chondrites detected on the Moon by the Chang’e-4 rover, Nature Astron., 6, 207-213. 

 • Zhu M. –H., A. Morbidelli, W. Neumann, et al. (2021), Common feedstocks of late accretion for the terrestrial planets, Nature Astron., 5, 1,286-1,296. (Highlighted by Nature Astronomy).

 • Liu T., G. Michael, M. –H. Zhu, K. Wünnemann (2021), Predicted sources of samples returned from Chang’e-5 landing region, GRL, 48, e2021GL092434. 

• Zhang J.*, B. Zhou*, Y. Lin, M. –H. Zhu*, et al. (2021), Lunar regolith and substructure at Chang’E-4 landing site in South-Pole Aitken basin, Nature Astron., 5, 25-30. (*Equal contribution to this work).

 • Ma P., Y. Sun, M. –H. Zhu, Y. Z. Yang, et al. (2020), A plagioclase-rich rock measured by Yutu-2 rover in Von Karman crater on the farside of the Moon, Icarus, 350, 113901. 

• Di K., M. –H. Zhu, Z. Yue, Y. Lin, et al. (2019), Topographic evolution of Von Karman crater revealed by the lunar rover Yutu-2, 2019, GRL, 46, 12,764-12,770.

 • Zhu M. –H., N. Artemieva, A. Morbidelli, Q. –Z. Yin, et al. (2019), Reconstructing the late accretion history of the Moon, Nature, 571, 226-229.

 • Hu X. Y., P. Ma, Y. Z. Yang, M. –H. Zhu, et al. (2019), Mineral abundances inferred from reflectance measurements of Chang’E-4 landing site in South Pole-Aitken basin, GRL, 46, 9,439-9,447. 

• Zhang X. Y. and M. –H. Zhu, R. Bugiolacchi (2019), Mafic minerals of the South Pole-Aitken basin, JGRPlanets, 124, 1,581-1,591. 

 • Zhu M. –H., K. Wünnemann, R. W. K. Potter, T. Kleine, and A. Morbidelli (2019), Forming the Moon’s nearside-farside dichotomies via giant impact, JGR-Planets, 124, 2,117-2,140. 

• Zhu M. –H., J. Chang, T. Ma (2019), Thorium distribution on the Moon: new insights from Chang’E-2 Gamma-ray Spectrometer, RAA, 19 (6), 76.
